Case Studies

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Automated Pentesting for Strengthening Police Department Cybersecurity Customer

The ICT Division of a police force is a critical component, operating directly under the Chief of Police. This division plays a crucial role in modernizing the force by utilizing information and communication technology (ICT).


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Tocumen International Airport Chooses
RidgeBot Automated Pentesting for
More Secure, Agile, and Resilient
Security Operations

The airport encountered significant security challenges deploying new systems into production and changing existing systems. With dozens of critical applications, Tocumen absorbed cyberattacks daily.


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Enabling PCI DSS through Automated Penetration Testing

 A leading payment gateway provider complies with PCI DSS Level 1, using RidgeBot® for automated penetration testing. With 100 IP licenses and 10 web licenses, it ensures secure transactions and meets PCI DSS requirements.


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Enhancing Supply Chain Operational Resilience in the Logistics Sector with CTEM

As a large conglomerate, the customer confronts formidable challenges when safeguarding operations and minimizing risks across its vast logistical services. Maintaining uninterrupted solutions is crucial for seamless logistics.


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Capital Assets Exceeding $1B (USD) With More Than 1M Customers

A commercial bank serving the ASEAN countries, had an IT infrastructure consisting of mainly Windows® Servers in a virtualized environment, hosting several external websites that they secured with an PS and firewalls in High Availability mode.


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Unlocking MSSP Capabilities with Automated Penetration Testing

Netpluz Asia, is a regional Managed IT and Communications Service Provider serving businesses in the greater Asia Pacific region with reliable and high-performance communication services to over 2000 customers in the region.


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