Discover RidgeBot® 4.3.3

Automate Security Validation, Prioritize Remediation

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Seamless integration with Tenable.vm and Rapid7 InsightVM

RidgeBot® automatically retrieves assets and vulnerability findings from these platforms and validates them using payload-based detection and exploitation. Help security teams prioritize and address the highest urgency risks, reducing workload and enhancing efficiency! Watch the configuration video.

Check Out The New Features!

Real-Time Insights

Seamlessly integrate with Slack for instant updates.

Multi-Language Support

English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Enhanced Threat Detection

10 new risk categories and 36 updated plugins.

We Have Expanded The Risk Types

These more granular categories provide security teams with clearer visibility and faster remediation.


Personal Identification Information


Broken Access and Authorization


Account Takeover


Data and Session Hijacking


Code Disclosure

RidgeBot® 4.3.3 is now available for download

Schedule a demo to see how regular security personnel can can operate RidgeBot and perform an advanced penetration testing. We will also demonstrate how it launches iterative attacks and show you the full visibility of attack paths and surfaces.