We are in the midst of unprecedented times, with many challenges that we have – by now – come to address to a manageable degree, whether it’s work from home, shelter in place, go fully digital with online meetings and virtual events, not to mention the personal toll.
A lot has changed, but what has in fact become a bigger mandate, is managing cyber security. In the wake of COVID-19, nearly 70% of organizations can expect an increase in the number and size of cyberattacks over the next year, based on Deloitte’s Cyber Risk report.
At Ridge Security, our relentless vision is to bring cyber security to enterprises, small or large, with cutting edge technology that transforms how security testing has been traditionally conducted. RidgeBot, a robotic penetration testing system, fully automates the testing process by coupling ethical hacking techniques to decision-making algorithms. RidgeBots locate, exploit and document business risks and vulnerabilities discovered during the testing process, highlighting the potential impact or damage. To learn more about how RidgeBots work to protect critical data and assets, watch this demo.
As Ridge Security’s primary distributor for the Mexico market, whIP will help Ridge Security expand the channel network in Mexico and directly support local resellers, system integrators and customers. Ridge Security is deeply committed to this growing market and strategic partnership by offering cutting edge technology and the technical training and support needed to bring the best experience to our customers.
Managing Director of whIP Solutions, Israel Morales, welcomes the partnership: “We believe Ridge Security’s innovation will help Mexican enterprises and government entities build a more robust security system. Moreover, we are very confident with the Ridge Security team’s record of successful entrepreneurship.”
Here’s a picture from our virtual meeting. Say hello to our team!