
Risk-based Vulnerability Management

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Risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM)

Risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM) is a cybersecurity process that reduces vulnerabilities across your attack surface by prioritizing remediation based on the degree of risk they pose to your organization. Unlike legacy vulnerability management, risk-based vulnerability management goes beyond just discovering vulnerabilities.

Risk-based vulnerability management aims to identify and remediate vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to an organization. Demand for this capability has increased in recent years given the exponential rise in endpoints as well as increased complexity within the IT environment.

RidgeBot® vulnerability Management

Ridge Security’s RidgeBot® is an automated pentest robot for risk-based vulnerability management.

Unlike a typical penetration test report, RidgeBot® produces a business risk-based assessment, clearly prioritizing exploited vulnerabilities. The report provides business teams with the critical risk information they need:

– Executives – obtain a summarized overview of the enterprise business risk.

– Compliance teams – use the report to satisfy compliance auditors.

– SecOps and DevOps teams – can conduct continuous security testing, enabling them to perform testing before every release.